‘歌詞 the words of a song’ カテゴリーのアーカイブ


2011年9月21日 水曜日

   When I was young I had some fun 
   The day I went to sea.
    I Jumped on board a pirate ship,
   And the captain said me:

※1 Oh we go this way,that way,
   Port side,starbord
   over the deep blue sea!                                           this way,that way, Port side,starbord over the deep blue sea!      

   I sailed with you to Timbuktu
※2 The day I went to sea.
   I lived on board a pirate ship,
   And the captain said to me ※1

   The west wind´s force blew us off course  ※2 ※1(repeat)

   We hit a storm,our sails were torn ※2 ※1(repeat)

   The first mate roared,”man overboard!” ※2 ※1(repeat)

   The storm blew out,we looked about ※2 ※1(repeat)

   From the front deck ,we saw a wreck ※2 ※1(repeat) 

   The had no fear, we sailed up near ※2 ※1(repeat)

   We found a hoard of gold on board ※2 ※1(repeat)

   We weighed and measured all our treasure. ※2 ※1(repeat)

   We sang this song the whole day long 
   The day I went to sea.
   Oh,the pirate’s life is full of fun,
   The pirate ‘s life for me!

The wheels on the bus

2011年6月15日 水曜日

The wheels on the bus go Round and Round、Round and Round、Round and Round.The wheels on the bus go Round and Round、All day long!

The wipers on the bus go Swish Swish swish、Swish Swish swish、Swish Swish swish.The wipers on the bus go Swish Swish swish、All day long!

The horn on the bus goes Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! The horn on the bus goes Beep! Beep! Beep! All day long!

The driver on the bus says ”Tickets Please! Tickets Please! Tickets Please!”The driver on the bus says ”Tickets Please!” All day long!

The parents on the bus go Chat Chat Chat、 Chat Chat Chat、Chat Chat Chat.The parents on the bus go Chat Chat Chat、All day long!

The babies on the bus go ”wah wah wah、 wah wah wah、 wah wah wah.”The babies on the bus go ”wah wah wah” All day long!

The people on the bus go ”Ssh Ssh Ssh、Ssh Ssh Ssh、Ssh Ssh Ssh”The people on the bus go ”Ssh Ssh Ssh” All day long!

Let’s clean up!

2011年6月13日 月曜日

お片づけの時間にかかる「clean upの歌詞を教えてください。」というママがいらしたのでアップしますね。

Clean up. Clean up. Everybody, let’s clean up.

Clean up. Clean up. Put your things away.

(Four times)

Clean up! Clean up! Clean up!

Put your things away. Pick up your toys.

Pick up your books. Pick up your shoes.

Put your things away.

Clean up. Clean up. Everybody, let’s clean up.

Cean up. Clean up. Put your things away.

(two times)


clean-up timeによく使うフレーズも一緒に覚えちゃいましょう♪

Can you throw that away? それ捨ててくれる? 

put ~ awayで「~を片付ける」 throw ~ awayで「~を捨てる」

It’s messy in here! 散らかってるねえ。

 messyは物が散らかってる状態、dirtyだとホコリやシミがいっぱいでもうちょっと不潔な感じ・・・かな 我が家のkitchen・・・どっち!?(*□*)))ヤバイ

Don’t make a mess, Ok? 散らかさないでね。
