‘歌詞 the words of a song’ カテゴリーのアーカイブ

The Shape Song #2 Lyrics and Actions

2016年1月24日 日曜日

♫ Okay everybody. We’re going to make some shapes. Show me your hands.

Let’s start with a triangle!
A triangle. Can you make a triangle? [Make a triangle with your hands.]
A triangle. Can you make a triangle?
A triangle. Can you find a triangle? [Make a triangle with your hands, and then place your hand above your eyes as if you are searching for something.]
A triangle. Can you find a triangle?
Can you find a triangle? Ready…GO! [Everybody hold hands in a circle, and then everyone scatters to find the shape on “GO!”]

Now, let’s make a rectangle!
A rectangle. Can you make a rectangle? [Make a rectangle with your hands.]
A rectangle. Can you make a rectangle?
A rectangle. Can you find a rectangle? [Make a rectangle with your hands, and then place your hand above your eyes as if you are searching for something.]
A rectangle. Can you find a rectangle?
Can you find a rectangle? Ready…GO! [Everybody hold hands in a circle, and then everyone scatters to find the shape on “GO!”]

How about an oval?
An oval. Can you make an oval? [Make an oval with your hands.]
An oval. Can you make an oval?
An oval. Can you find an oval? [Make an oval with your hands, and then place your hand above your eyes as if you are searching for something.]
An oval. Can you find an oval?
Can you find an oval? Ready…GO! [Everybody hold hands in a circle, and then everyone scatters to find the shape on “GO!”]

Now, let’s make a star!
A star. Can you make a star? [Wiggle your fingers on one hand.]
A star. Can you make a star?
A star. Can you find a star? [Wiggle your fingers on one hand, and then place your hand above your eyes as if you are searching for something.]
A star. Can you find a star?
Can you find a star? Ready…GO! [Everybody hold hands in a circle, and then everyone scatters to find the shape on “GO!”]

A triangle, a rectangle, an oval, and a star. [Make the shapes with your hands or point to the shapes around the room.]
A triangle, a rectangle, an oval, and a star.
A triangle, a rectangle, an oval, and a star….. ♫

The Shape Song #1 Lyrics and Actions

2016年1月24日 日曜日

♫ A circle. A circle. Can you make a circle? [Make a circle with your hands.]
A circle. A circle. Can you make a circle?
A circle. A circle. Can you find a circle? [Make a circle with your hands, and then place your hand above your eyes as if you are searching for something.]
A circle. A circle. Can you find a circle?
Can you find a circle? Ready…GO! [Everybody hold hands in a circle, and then everyone scatters to find the shape on “GO!”]

I know…let’s make a diamond. Can you make a diamond? Here we go…
A diamond. A diamond. Can you make a diamond? [Make a diamond with your hands.]
A diamond. A diamond. Can you make a diamond?
A diamond. A diamond. Can you find a diamond? [Make a diamond with your hands, and then place your hand above your eyes as if you are searching for something.]
A diamond. A diamond. Can you find a diamond?
Can you find a diamond? Ready…GO! [Everybody hold hands in a circle, and then everyone scatters to find the shape on “GO!”]

Hmm…what’s next? How about a square?
A square. A square. Can you make a square? [Make a square with your hands.]
A square. A square. Can you make a square?
A square. A square. Can you find a square? [Make a square with your hands, and then place your hand above your eyes as if you are searching for something.]
A square. A square. Can you find a square?
Can you find a square? Ready…GO! [Everybody hold hands in a circle, and then everyone scatters to find the shape on “GO!”]

Alright. Time for one more. Let’s try a heart.
A heart. A heart. Can you make a heart? [Make a heart with your hands.]
A heart. A heart. Can you make a heart?
A heart. A heart. Can you find a heart? [Make a heart with your hands, and then place your hand above your eyes as if you are searching for something.]
A heart. A heart. Can you find a heart?
Can you find a heart? Ready…GO! [Everybody hold hands in a circle, and then everyone scatters to find the shape on “GO!”]

A circle, a diamond, a square, and a heart. [Make the shapes with your hands or point to the shapes around the room.]
A circle, a diamond, a square, and a heart.
A circle, a diamond, a square, and a heart…. ♫

Can you make a happy face?

2015年9月24日 木曜日

Ten Fat Sausages

2015年8月20日 木曜日

Ten fat sausages sizziing in a pan.
  One went POP!
  And the other went BANG!
(以下、2~4番は、’Ten’を eight, six, fourと数を減らしていく)

Two fat sausages sizzling in a pan.
  One went POP!
  And the other went BANG!
  No more sausages sitting in the pan.

10本の太ったソーセージが、フライパンの中で、ジュージューとおいしそうな音をたてています。Pop!と、1本のソーセージが勢いよくフライパンから飛び出せば、もう1本もBang!と、元気に飛び出します。フライパンの中のソーセージは何本になったかな?こうして2本ずつ減っていくソーセージ、最後には、No fat sausages、一本も残ってない…楽しい仕掛けがいっぱいの絵本

The Bear Song

2015年7月7日 火曜日

クリス先生もマニー先生もギターが上手なので一緒に英語の歌を歌ったら楽しいかな~♪♪♪でも当日すぐに覚えるのは大変なので事前にお家でCDを聞いておいてね。日本でもおなじみの曲で歌詞も簡単な繰り返しの「The Bear Song」にしました。ママと一緒に覚えちゃおう!!!

The other day          このあいだ
I met a bear           くまさんに会ったんだ
Out in the woods,       ずっとむこうの 森を出たところで
away out there

He looked at me         くまさんと私は目があって
I looked at him
He sized me up         お互いのい大きさを比べっこ
I sized up him

He said to me           くまさんが私に言った
Why don’t you run        「逃げたらどう?銃がないのなら」
I see you ain’t
Got any gun

I said to him             わたしはくまさんに言った。
That’s a good idea         「それはいい考えね。じゃあこの足で さあ 逃げよう」
C’mon now feet
Let’s up and flee

And so I ran             だから私はすたこら逃げた
Away from there
But right behind           だけど振り向くと くまさんはいた
Me was that bear
