有名な『Frosty the snowman』の歌詞にイラストをつけて絵本にしてあります。陽気なメロディにぴったりな明るいイラストです。クリスマス時期によく流れてますよね♪
最後に彼は”Don’t you cry, I’ll be back again someday.”と言って帰っていきます。「泣かないで、いつの日かまた戻ってくるから。」
FROSTY the snowman was a jolly,happy soul.With a corncob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal.
FROSTY the snowman is a fairy tale, they say; He was made of snow, but the children know how he came to life one day. There must have been some magic in that old silk hat they found. For when they placed it on his head, he began to dance around!